National Service Survey

We want to build a secure future for you and your family.

National Service is a way for young people to pick up new skills, contribute to our country and get on in life.

Under this plan, 18-year-olds will have a choice:

They can choose to spend one weekend a month volunteering in their community. Supporting the NHS, British Red Cross or other community groups.

Or choose to take part in a full-time military commission for twelve months, learning new skills like logistics, cyber security and civil response operations.

Let me know your views by completing the short survey below.

National Service Survey

  • Current Survey
  • Your views
  • Your details
1) Do you support our bold plan for National Service?
2) Do you agree that the Covid pandemic showed the value of civic service?
3) 750,000 18-24 year olds are out of work, do you agree that National Service will help boost job opportunities for young people?
4) Young people will have the option to apply for a competitive selective military training programme in areas such as logistics and cyber security, do you agree this will make our country safer?
5) How will the plan for National Service benefit young people?
6) Out of the current listed community-based options for civic service, which do you support?
7) How many of the listed countries did you know have introduced forms of National Service?