Government's Legislative Programme (Wales) 2017-19 | Wales Office | Written Ministerial Statements The Government’s first legislative programme announced in the Queen’s Speech on 21 June contains a wide range of measures that will apply to
EU Grants and Loans: Wales | Wales Office | Written Answers It is clearly very early in the negotiations to be discussing specific outcomes.
Brexit: Wales | Wales Office | Written Answers The Welsh economy approaches its departure from the EU in a strong position.
Horizon 2020: Wales | Wales Office | Written Answers It is clearly very early in the negotiations to be discussing specific outcomes.
ERASMUS: Wales | Wales Office | Written Answers The Government recognises the value of international exchange and collaboration in education, as part of our vision for the UK as a global n
Overseas Students: Wales | Wales Office | Written Answers The Government has been meeting regularly with counterparts from the Welsh Government, and the other devolved administrations, to discuss a
Overseas Students: Wales | Wales Office | Written Answers The UK continues to attract the second highest number of overseas students (EU and non-EU) to tertiary education, after the US.
Universities: Wales | Wales Office | Written Answers It is clearly very early in the negotiations to be discussing specific outcomes.
EU Grants and Loans: Wales | Wales Office | Written Answers For the 2014-20 funding cycle, Wales will receive a total allocation of €3,063,444,610 from the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Fun
Horizon 2020: Wales | Wales Office | Written Answers It is clearly very early in the negotiations to be discussing specific outcomes.